The notion that one strategy will work for any and every aesthetic practice is nonsensical. Each practice is unique, with different goals and needs. For example, while some doctors want to operate every day, others feel comfortable hiring an associate and working only two to three days a week. Some cosmetic surgery offices have an external marketing staff, while others try to oversee all inbound and outbound marketing plans on their own.
However, as a general rule, attempting to run everything on your own is not practical. There is too much going on in the digital marketing world for you to successfully be the doctor, business owner, and marketing director, all at the same time. That is why finding the right cosmetic practice consultant is pivotal. The most desirable consultants will have years of industry experience and the ability to create a tailor-made marketing program for your individual practice.
Here are the top 5 characteristics to look for in a cosmetic practice consultant:
1. A Proven Track Record of Success
– Your consultant should have at least 10 years of aesthetic industry experience. It is impossible to accumulate all of the necessary industry knowledge without being fully immersed in the cosmetic surgery community for years.
– He/she will need to back up the data they are touting with a portfolio of case studies, clearly showing their years of accomplishments.
– Ask for input from other, respected aesthetic industry leaders. Does the consultant have ‘street cred’ in the cosmetic and plastic surgery field? Do they have a bad reputation?
2. A Current Resume of Respected Clients with a Stellar Online Presence
– Google your prospective consultant’s current clients; do you like what you see? Much like the Before/After gallery on a plastic surgery website, if you do not like what you see right away, this person will not be the one to provide your desired results.
– Read their client’s online reviews. Do you find negative reviews, and if so, does the consultant handle with finesse?
– Do each of their practices have a visible web presence and active social media following?
– Are the consultant’s websites equipped with up-to-date, high-tech functions like live chat, videos, and online appointment booking?
3. Honesty and Reliability
– When doing research on a particular consultant, look for some with integrity, but keep in mind that everyone has some bias.
– Do not be fooled; aggressive sales people with flashy marketing or print campaigns may only want to sell you their services, with little care about building up your practice.
– Review the consultant’s reporting style and capabilities. A clear and timely reporting schedule will be mandatory for achieving your practice’s desired marketing goals.
– Avoid hard marketing sales or guaranteed results; these do not exist.
4. Experience Working with Your Peers
– Your fellow cosmetic surgeons have marketing issues similar to your own. Choosing a consultant who has worked with your peers means that he/she has experience dealing with these concerns.
– A successful aesthetic practice requires a collaborative effort. Your consultant must have experience working with a team of people to solve problems, maximizing their time and getting the most out their endeavors.
5. A Clear Commitment for Delivering Success
– An ideal practice consultant will be successful both professionally and personally.
– In order to deliver data based results, a cosmetic surgery consultant must understand exactly what it is you want your practice to accomplish.
– An effective practice consultant will help you to define “success” for your practice:
Do you want to attract more cosmetic patients? If so, how many, by when?
Do you want to improve your online reputation?
Do you want more leads? If so, for which procedure(s)?
– A consultant dedicated to a successful track record will free up your schedule, maximizing your time and effort.
Why MD Internet Marketing Can Be Your Cosmetic Practice Consultant
MD Internet Marketing not only makes plans, we take action, get others motivated, and move projects in the right direction, getting the results you need to achieve the desired growth. With over 10 year of practice management, MD Internet Marketing is invested in the success of your aesthetic practice. Let us provide the full support your practice needs to maximize its potential. Contact MD Internet Marketing at (954) 993-5154 or fill out our Contact Us form for more information.