Competition continues to increase in the Medical Aesthetics industry, and challenges seem to arise from every corner. The need for developing a sound marketing strategy is not something to contemplate but a requirement to be successful. Before you start creating your marketing strategy to grow your practice, the first thing you want to do is to look at your practice’s infrastructure. You need to ask yourself: do I have the team in place to deliver the results needed to reach your business goals? Is there any underlying issue that might hold you back from getting to the next level?
Without a solid team, everything will collapse, and all of your efforts might be in vain. So, getting a whiteboard and taking the time to map out your goals and assign responsibilities is the first thing you want to do in the marketing plan. Let’s take a deeper dive into the key components of developing a robust marketing plan to achieve your goals for your medical aesthetics business.
Put Your Brand In Front of Your Audience
One of the 1st steps in developing a successful marketing strategy is to study your audience and determine where they live virtually. Your clients have developed certain habits like scrolling on Instagram Reels and shopping on ecommerce sites. You need to see through their eyes and figure out where they spend most of their time. Why? So you can put your brand in front of them, as they are already on these websites and visit them frequently.
Your marketing plan should focus on a few key components. You probably already know, but the majority of your patients live in three areas, which are:
- Google search
Google Search
Google search provides a massive opportunity to let your potential patients discover your practice. But how will you go about developing a comprehensive SEO strategy? To start, have a robust website on the right platform with the correct hosting company!
Your website should be the main spoke in your marketing wheel. Building a scalable, reliable website with useful content, great procedure pages, helpful call-to-action, integrated online bookings, Live Chatbots, lead capture tools, and more is just the start! Developing and maintaining a website requires skills and expertise, and we encourage all aesthetic practice owners to hire a specialist that knows the medical aesthetics space and is fully committed to building and maintaining your website. When a prospect lands on your website, you want to make it easy for them to navigate, learn about a procedure and contact your office.
It is also crucial that you review website design on mobile, as the vast majority of traffic will come from consumers using their mobile phone. Ensure that your website renders properly on mobile devices and is mobile-optimized, so the clients can find your practice and easily navigate the website to contact the office.
Instagram has quickly caught up with being one of the top marketing tools available because of its visual nature. Some aesthetic plastic surgeons are even using IG as their primary marketing tool to engage with their clients, friends, and even other doctors. Being one of the mainstream social media channels of today, Instagram is somewhere you need your practice to be visible. Be relevant in this space and be consistent on your posts, IG stories, and reels. Here are a few insider tips:
- Share your post from yesterday to today’s stories.
- Repost a reel you think your audience will enjoy, even if it’s not yours.
- Post a story created by one of your vendors.
- Create your own story — a video, poll, question of the day, quick skincare tip, or just anything that doesn’t belong as a regular post.
Another hot topic is user generated content, which includes encouraging your peers and past clients to start tagging you in their posts as an excellent way to get exposed to their followers and get your medical aesthetics practice in front of a wider audience. You may also tag them in your posts to keep the wheels in motion and comment, as well as, “like” other posts. In the end, you can establish a robust organic following as you’re consistently putting relevant content out there and engaging with different users.
Facebook continues to show signs that it still has value for your marketing plan. For instance, Facebook users tend to be a little older and have more experience since they have been around social media for a longer period than Instagram users. We have seen video and multiple image posts do well, while sharing outbound links, single image posts and third party videos tend to not be relevant on this channel.
Like on Instagram, you may share your content through posts, stories, and before and after images. Many offices are using the option where you can connect your Instagram to Facebook and cross share posts. We are using this strategy with some success but still recommend posting directly on Facebook and not just cross posting. Branded imaging, clever taglines, engaging/stimulating post content, and expert use of emojis can help draw a crowd to your latest Facebook posts. While likes, comments, and shares of these posts can benefit your social presence and brand recognition, engagement is the real key to increase traffic and have more visitors see your content. Mastering the process of promoting your social media certainly takes some detailed planning, creativity, and synchronized efforts, but the payoff is worth it to gain visibility for the content you worked so hard to create!
Final thoughts
Creating SMART goals and “Begin with the end in mind” should be the beginning of your plan to expand your Medical Aesthetics Practice on a broader scheme. Think big picture, as the details will come later. However, you want to put together the right team with the right people as you perform your marketing efforts to ensure your hard work bears fruit. To learn more about how you can fine-tune your 2023 marketing plan and establish a strong online presence through content marketing, social media marketing, and search engine marketing, please contact MD Internet Marketing Media today. By remaining consistent and continuing to publish quality website content on social media, your practice can increase brand awareness, and gain market share, which should result in more revenue.