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How To Develop A Robust Marketing Plan for 2023

Competition continues to increase in the Medical Aesthetics industry, and challenges seem to arise from every corner. The need for developing a sound marketing strategy is not something to contemplate but a requirement to be successful. Before you start creating your marketing strategy to grow your practice, the first thing you want to do is […]
MD Internet Marketing with Social Media Logos

How to Use Social Media to Reach Your Holiday Sales Goals

Social Media, especially in the form of short videos, continues to show value, drive reach, and increase engagement. This is bringing in hundreds of new patients into practices that are able to create and share quality content. There are so many aesthetic brands in the market which compete to win substantial advertising space in social […]
Before MD Internet Marketing with Industry Expert Karen Zupko

Before MD Internet Marketing with Industry Expert Karen Zupko

If you’re in the aesthetics industry or any sector of the medical industry, you have probably heard the name Karen Zupko. Karen Zupko is an internationally recognized thought leader and speaker on the challenges of running your medical business. She addresses the entire organizational system, including strategic marketing, business development, operational planning, staff education, online […]
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Timely Instagram Tips to Grow Your Practice

There are so many different marketing techniques that you can use to grow your small business. For many practice owners, social media gurus, influencers and content creators, Instagram is ruffling a lot of feathers in terms of being consistent and delivering real results. Many complain of low reach and an inability to connect with their […]
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The Top 5 Ways to Attract New Medical Spa Clients

In today’s fast-paced world, self-care has become more than just a luxury, it’s a necessity for achieving a thriving and healthy lifestyle. As a Medical Spa business owner, you understand the importance of offering high-quality services to your clients to help them achieve their health and wellness goals. However, with the increasing number of Medical […]
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How to Create a Marketing Budget

Does your cosmetic surgery practice have a yearly marketing budget based on projected revenue? We have helped dozens of plastic surgeons create or update marketing budgets to help guide the overall marketing plan. The marketing budget is a critical aspect to your marketing plan and should be set annually based on expected revenues and evaluated […]
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5 Reasons to Double Down on Digital Marketing

Now that 2022 is off and running, it’s time to start implementing the strategic plans needed to reach your practice goals. For those practices that have yet to set their 2022 goals, we at MD Internet Marketing encourage you to review your 2021 metrics and set your expectations for growth and success before the end […]
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Podcast Interview with Logan Pence of MD Internet Marketing

As 2021 draws to a close, it’s time to reflect on what worked well for your aesthetic practice this year, as well as, what did not work and needs to change as we head into 2022. The aesthetic industry has seen strong demand over the past 18 months and we believe that trend will continue. […]
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The 5 Keys To a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

What’s one of the biggest reasons for leveraging email marketing in your aesthetic practice? It’s the most cost-effective form for marketing your practice in your armamentarium. Research has shown that email marketing has one of the best returns on investment of any marketing method. Sending weekly or monthly newsletters is a great way to keep […]
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7 Ways to Win on the Phone

As the former Practice Administrator for a multi-7-figure plastic surgery practice, answering the phone was a daily conversation and a critical component to the success of the practice. As competition continues to increase in the aesthetic industry, how your team is answering the phone and what they are saying can dramatically influence your entire practice. […]

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